
Saturday, 28 November 2020

A Prayer to Our Ancestors

Our Ancestors,
Who are now in heaven,
Thank you for giving us your names,
Your faith realised,
Your ancestral spirits, 
Now existing,
Through our bodies and our minds.

Please help us always, 
Please care for and nurture us,
And try to forgive us our faults,
And we will try to forgive you for yours,
Please guide us down the right paths,
And protect us from significant harm.

For we are your children,
Your power and your glory,

Forever and ever,


Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Meditation on a PhD (EI in MHN 2020)

If I lived my life
Trying to know things
That I don't know, already
The risk is, I suppose
That I could end up 
Being someone 
Who I am not?


If I lived my life
Trying to know more about
What I already know
Then, I suppose
The worst that could happen
Is that I could end up
Being who I already am?


If I lived my life
Without anyone but me 
Knowing who I am, already
Then I would live, I suppose
A lonely life 
Then die alone, and that's
The worst thing that could happen.

Whereas, I suppose?

If we lived our lives
Trying to know more about
What we all, already know
Then the worst thing that could happen
Is that we will all end up
Knowing who we are, each one
In relation to each other!